Oct 6, 2016

Dota 2

Dota 2 is a MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena for those of you who don't know what that stands for) developed and produced by valve and released in July of 2013.  I have way more experience playing this than I care to admit but it falls somewhere around the amount of 1070 hours (YES I DO HAVE A LIFE...) so you can trust me that I know what I'm talking about.  As far as I am concerned Dota 2 is one of my top 5 games.  To win it requires skill and teamwork coordination which are two of my favorite things to find in a game.

I would say that the game has a fairly steep learning curve simply because of the way the game is played.  When a match begins there are two teams of 5.  Each player must chose a hero out of a total of 112 of them.  All these heroes are different and must be played differently.  In my opinion this makes the learning curve fairly steep not only because a player must learn the game mechanics but also because they have to find a hero that matches their play style.  This can take a while and every time you decide to try out a new hero this repeats.  I know players who will win 19/20 games when playing with their main hero but when try try someone new they will get a losing streak of 10 or more games.

I like the graphics of the game, they aren't on the level of Battlefield or anything but they do a good job at what they are meant to do.  One of the cool things about the game is that you can buy different terrain and sound packs to change the feel of the game if you are willing to shell out a little cash.  Because of this it is hard to go into the sound of the game because players can change the game music and announcer voices.

The game controls can be a little hard to get the hand of but players can change they key bindings to fit their needs.  I personally have a Razer Naga which has a 12 button thumb pad so I have bound most of my keys to that which I personally feel makes the game a lot easier and made me play better.

So the idea behind the game is that there are two teams, The Dire and The Radiant.  Each team has 5 players and the goal is to destroy the other teams ancient which is in the center of their base.  To do this they first must destroy several tiers of towers before they can reach the ancient.
There are 3 lanes that you can push to reach the ancient and the entire game each team has NPCs that will push the lane even if the players aren't there but they will basically just end op wiping each other out and getting know where without a player helping the push.  Killing the NPCs will give players gold and experience just like killing players from the other team.  Killing other players will give more gold and xp but it is much harder and more dangerous to do.  The game also has many other aspects but it would take to much time to go into them all but these are the basics.

I greatly recomend this game and seeing as it is FREE on steam you have no reason to not give it a try.

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