The tutorial was in multiple video segments and it took some time to get through. I worked for a few hours on the tutorial but in that time I started with nothing and ended up with a basic game. I'm not saying that I designed the next Battlefield or Call of Duty but I am happy with what I made considering this is the first time I have used Unity in several years.
This tutorial teaches you how to make a simple game where you control a ball with your keyboard and roll it around to gather 12 cubes. Once all 12 cubes are collected you have won the game. Making this one simple game teaches you the basics of both creating the physical game and the programming behind it. The last time I used Unity I was doing the scripting in js (java script) but this tutorial was in C# (c sharp) which can both be used in Unity. Even though I was learning a language I had never even touched before this tutorial made it easy to understand.
One problem I did have with the tutorial was the program that the instructor was using for the scripting. When I would try to edit the script it would open in a different program than the one the instructor was using which was very annoying because the one he was using was built to work with Unity. After some searching I finally found how to change the program but in my opinion this should have been something that was explained because I am positive I am not the only one with this problem. If anyone chooses to do this tutorial and their editor looks different from the one in the video here is how to fix it.
Edit → Preferences → External Tools → External Script Editor → MonoDevelop (built-in)
Besides this one problem I think that this is a great tutorial and anyone who wants to give Unity a try should do it. There are some tutorials before this one that I skipped over because I have used Unity before and if you are struggling then I suggest going back and doing those but I think you should give this one a try first and see if you can save yourself some time.
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