Sep 30, 2015

Game Character Review: Flynn


Flynn from Battlefield Bad Company 2, also known by his call sign "Ghost Rider," is the chopper pilot for Bravo-Two, more commonly known as Bad Company.  He is not a main character of the game but he does have significance in the plot of the game and he is one of my favorite characters.

If you saw him walking down the street the last thing you would think is that Flynn is an exceptional military chopper pilot.  To put it bluntly, he is a hippy.  Flynn is a white male in his 30s or 40s with big glasses, a decent beard, and slicked back shoulder length brown hair with a small pony tail in the back.  He is dressed in cargo pants, a green v-neck shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a dark green vest over that.  To top it all off he has a necklace with the yin-yang symbol on it.

You first meet Flynn when you are flying through the jungles of South America.  A member of your squad asks how long until you will arrive at your destination and Flynn proceeds to ignore him.  After the squad member shouts his name several more times the camera pans over to see your pilot ignoring the controls and frantically looking all over the cockpit saying he lost his smokes and "Fucking Tuesdays, man.  I never get my shit together on a Tuesday."  After finding his pack of cigarettes he says you will be there in a couple minutes.

Less than five seconds later he points out the window and says "Whoa, how 'bout that?" as an RPG is shot at the chopper.  Like any normal person would do, your squad starts to freak out but your nut of a pilot just dodges it and says "Now these cheap Russian RPGs, they're easy, man.  If that was like a Javelin I'd a had to do something really tricky."

It's hard to say whether the player's first impression of Flynn is good, bad, or a little of both.  He is eccentric to say the least and seems like he would be more at home at Woodstock rather than behind the controls of a UH-60 Blackhawk. But appearances can be deceiving.  Even though he seems a little off his rocker, in this first scene you also get to see that he is a skilled pilot.

One of Flynn's major quirks is that he says he won't kill people because it is bad for his karma.  This is first seen when he is dropping you off at the start of one of the missions and there are lots of enemies at the landing zone.  Flynn tells you to lay down some fire so that he can drop your squad off and Haggard, a member of your squad, asks if Flynn will be helping you out.  To this he responds that he is a pacifist and that its bad for his karma, he just flys.  Haggard's response to this is to berate Flynn and proceed to call him "Ya silly, God damned, muffin-headed, fucking liberal!"

Despite Flynn being a pacifist, he does kill on two occasions during the game, the first of which is when the chopper is shot down.  Flynn and your squad manage to bail out safely but you land in enemy territory and Flynn is captured.  Your squad manages to fight through the enemies and make your way to him but he is being beaten and interrogated.  You shoot the person beating him and go to free him but another enemy jumps out from behind the door and attacks you with a knife.  As you are fighting with him, trying to not get stabbed, Flynn takes the pistol from the soldier you shot and shoots the one attacking you, saving your life.

The second time Flynn kills is when your squad gets betrayed and is about to face the firing squad. All of a sudden Flynn appears in his Blackhawk.  He then uses the chopper's guns to kill the enemies which saves your squad.  Sadly this act would seem to have racked up quite a bit of bad karma for Flynn because as you are escaping, the chopper gets hit with an RPG and explodes with Flynn inside.  

Let us observe a moment of silence for this fallen hippy bad ass...

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